How to change career to something more meaningful

When everything feels like an effort and you’re feeling empty in your career then often you start to wonder what to do next… Don’t get me wrong, you’ve done well in your career, on paper, IT ALL LOOKS GREAT. But you want to make a difference, you want to do something with meaning and at the end of the day you want to have that deep satisfying fulfilment that you helped change the world. You want to change career.

So you start to daydream, you start to think about what others are doing. You look at animal shelters, charities, NGOs. You quite like it, it all sounds nice. Then you look at the salary and think “no way, I can’t take a pay cut to that!”…

And then you start to think it’s not possible for me. And you force yourself into work every day feeling more and more despondent and demotivated as time goes on.

The answer to what you want to do next does not lie in Google.
You will not find your answers from career counselling, talking to friends or looking for opportunities. The answer lies within. It is an inner search that will bring the most satisfying results. As this empty feeling is from within – it’s your heart crying out for something. And so to look outside yourself will only create instant gratification, rather than answer that deep need that you have.

You are unique, you have a unique talent, your heart is guiding you. This is your wake up. Your wake up call for what you were born for. That is why you are thinking of a career change.

Don’t miss this chance that life has brought you. Those feelings of demotivation and despondency are there for a good reason. They are there to get you to change, to transform so that you help make a difference to the world.

If you do it the other way around then and look for outside opportunities, you will try to fit and squeeze yourself into something else. And it may feel ok for a while but the heart will start speaking again by saying feeling unsatisfied and low in energy.

So how to start?

  1. Think about what is it that you really love doing. And before I hear you say “Yes but xxx doesn’t make money” know that being an expert with experience you can demand high fees. As Malcolm Gladwell quoted in his book Outliers “The emerging picture from such studies is that ten thousand hours of practice is required to achieve the level of mastery associated with being a world-class expert—in anything,” writes the neurologist Daniel Levitin.” Note this is an Outlier – the Tiger, Gates & Williams of the world, not merely an expert. So, you’re going to spend at least doing any job so why not something that makes your heart sing? You can then command the fees you wish and maybe even become a world-class expert.
  2. Ask yourself “If I could spend all day doing XXX I would do it for free”. Think about what you just love doing, what you love helping other people with, what your friends and family come to you for so that you can help them?
  3. Look at what your life experience – what have all the challenges and experiences taught you? – how has that helped you develop your natural talent? Remember talent doesn’t mean just playing instruments, singing or acting. It can be organising, hosting people, solving problems. Think outside the box – it’s the really simple thing, don’t over-complicate your thinking.
  4. Create a big vision for your world – what gets up your nose? What problems do you want to solve? What do you want to bring more of to the world? Get really big on this vision. Write it out. What do you love to speak about with friends, what do you love to complain about and debate?
  5. Don’t get overwhelmed. Start big and then you will gradually filter this down and have something that is deeply satisfying and unique to you. From that, you can then look at companies with similar interests or look at set up your own company. So know that this big vision is going somewhere. Have faith.

Start from within, start connecting more to your heart and enjoy your career change. If you would love some help with this journey, I’m your woman.

I love my work because I have experienced a big shake up 5 years ago when my deep unhappiness drove me to quit my banking job and set up my dream life. I’ve been through the ups and downs and made it a success and I would love to share my experience with women to help them connect to their dream, get rid of limitations and set a clear path ahead.

Email me at for more information or CLICK HERE to book a discovery call with me.

Love Kelly

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